Welcome To


The International Consulting
Economists' Association


The Meetings Archive page lists past meetings (date, speaker and topic), together with the presentation and supporting papers when these have been provided to us by the speaker. 

Member Listing

The following members have agreed to have their contact details placed on this website—some of these members have elected to have their CVs posted here as well.

Membership Application

Membership is open to suitably qualified individuals with a professional interest in, and practical experience of, economic development and analysis.

Who are we?

The International Consulting Economists’ Association (ICEA) was formed in 1986 to provide a professional and social forum for economists engaged in international consultancy. It is a members’ association run by a Committee elected by the members. It is funded by members’ subscriptions. Membership is on an individual basis. The ICEA is UK-based and meetings are held in Central London. Those based overseas can join at a reduced subscription rate.

Our Members

Membership includes professionals working within consulting companies, in government and in academia, as well as independent, self-employed economists and others from related disciplines. Most members have qualifications in economics and have spent some or even all of their careers working as economic consultants. There is a partial listing of members here where those who chose to do so also have their CVs posted. The sectoral expertise and specialisation of our members is diverse and international experience often spans decades. Many members are among the leading experts in their chosen fields. Collectively the ICEA offers unrivalled experience and expertise.


Partly in pursuit of the third objective, ICEA joined forces with the Development Studies Association (DSA) in 2015 to set up an annual prize for the best master’s dissertation on development economics submitted to the DSA. This ran for three years from 2015 to 2017.

Aims and Objectives

The original aims and objectives of the ICEA as set out in its Constitution are fourfold:

  1. to increase overseas professional opportunities for UK economic consultants;
  2. to exchange information among members on topics of interest;
  3. to promote wider consideration of new methods of analysis and new approaches to economic issues of concern to members;
  4. to provide a social forum for members.

The over-riding objective is to meet the needs of its members and these have evolved over time. Through its programme of monthly meetings, it aims to keep members in touch with developments in their own and related areas, as well as with each other, enabling them to participate in a wide range of discussions. Modes of communication have changed dramatically over the last 30 years, but face to face encounters remain especially valuable. 

Open Meetings Programme

We organise a programme of monthly meetings at which non-members are welcome on payment of a guest fee. The meetings take place in an informal atmosphere with ample opportunity for discussion and networking. The programme of forthcoming meetings for which speaker and topic have been fixed is shown here. The diversity of both topics and speakers can be seen in the record of past meetings in the archive.

Contact Us

By completing and submitting the form below you will send an email to the ICEA’s Secretary Türhan Donegan.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Membership is open to suitably qualified individuals with a professional interest in, and practical experience of, economic development and analysis.